About Us
Under the auspices of Hamilton Aging in Community (hamiltonagingtogether.ca), we cohousing enthusiasts have been doing the foundational work to establish a sense of community among members and the underpinnings for our cohousing relationships.
Key to keeping us connected, open and transparent in our work is our governance model – Sociocracy – through which every voice is heard. Sociocratic principles underpin every aspect of our development, making it a truly collaborative and interdependent endeavour.
Under Sociocracy, we have formed several working Circles (a.k.a. “Committees), including:
- Finance & Legal
- Membership & Social
- Outreach & Communications
- Planning
- Site Search
- Sociocracy
- Steering
Each Circle meets regularly via Zoom. We enjoy every available opportunity to meet face-to-face and safely socially-distanced to get to know each other better. We are “Grandgenerational”, meaning predominantly seniors-led and oriented, and very welcoming of families of all ages and ethnicities. Each of our members brings lots of interesting and invaluable skills and experience to the endeavour.
We will build and live in a welcoming and vibrant grandgenerational, caring, cooperative, sustainable, intentional community in the Hamilton area by 2026. Our architectural design will include different sized units, making some more economical. Operating costs are expected to be well below that for separate houses. We will foster autonomy and privacy while cultivating neighbourly support and a deep sense of community. We will work collaboratively, each contributing to the extent of our abilities, talents and resources.Through sharing and mutual support we will foster creativity, personal growth, and quality of life for our members.
Our homes exist within an inclusive intentional community living in a healthy, sustainable, and fun environment. We are caring neighbours who build upon each other’s strengths and are respectful of each other’s privacy. We collaborate through effective communication and acceptance of individual differences. Our common spaces facilitate the sharing of meals, resources and social connections as well as welcoming others into our neighbourhood.
- Inclusive
- Community connectedness
(Inside & outside) - Grandgenerational
- Financially accessible
- Open-minded
- Flexible
- Interdependent and independent
- Interconnectedness
- Reciprocity
- Individual autonomy
- Sharing
- Sociable
- Collaborative through Open Communication
- Caring
- Mutual Support
- Cooperation
- Kindness
- Positive Attitude
- Friendly
- Stewardship of the environment, our community and ourselves
- Sustainable & environmentally responsible
- Innovative
- Healthy
- Aging in Place
- Fun
Through our partnership with Hamilton Aging in Community (HAC), Cohousing Hamilton is able to offer to students in aging studies at McMaster University the opportunity to participate in the establishment of our cohousing community. Reciprocally, Cohousing Hamilton benefits form the technical savvy, academic prowess and youthful energy of the students involved with us. Our most long-serving student is Jasminder Khehra, a genuine treasure in our midst.

Jasminder K
Communication & Health Studies
Student Volunteer
To find out more about Cohousing, here are some helpful resources. Follow Us to get the latest news about Cohousing in Hamilton