Cohousing Resources
Announcing a new Canadian Cohousing Handbook! Everything you need to achieve your dream of living in community.
Now is the time for community led housing. Modern ways of living can leave us feeling alone in our homes and isolated from key resources. Cohousing balances independence and privacy with collaboration and togetherness to cultivate a thriving community. In cohousing spaces, neighbours know one another, and everyone works together to build and sustain a better future.
When cohousing experts Ronaye Matthew and Margaret Critchlow realized the vast demand for their development services, they knew they had to open the door – to everyone. In this in-depth guide, Matthew and Critchlow share their decades of experience on the ground and in the field. They outline the entire development process and break it down into accessible goals and informed takeaways for anyone interested in a collaborative approach to housing.
Amazon link:
Hamilton Aging In Community Founded in 2013, Hamilton Aging in Community is a group of community minded individuals resident in the Hamilton area. The organization aims to learn and inform others about housing alternatives and other mutual support strategies for maturing adults and seniors. Visit their website at https://hamiltonagingtogether.ca/
Canadian Cohousing Network
The Best of Both Worlds is an excellent documentary on Cohousing:
What is Sociocracy?
Foundation for Intentional Community:
SAGE Senior Cohousing Advocates:
Treehouse Ecohousing Village
Ottawa Cohousing Speaker & Social Series
Cohousing Pomali (Austria)
Ann Arbor Cohousing
To find out more about Cohousing, here are some helpful resources. Follow Us to get the latest news about Cohousing in Hamilton