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Cohousing Hamilton Speaker Series
Here are the recordings for the latest events in our Cohousing Hamilton Speaker Series.
Oct 2023 Watershed Cohousing, Guelph Ontario with David and Cynthia McAuley
Passcode: yQekR6s^
Sept 2023 Toiora Cohousing, Dunedin, New Zealand

Topic: Tiny Homes
Thank you to Dekyi-Lee Oldershaw (experienced in tiny home living) and Dr. Blake Poland, U of T, (also experienced in tiny home living), for a fascinating talk “Putting the Community in Tiny House Living” which was presented to Cohousing Hamilton and friends on March 20, 2023.
If you’d like to learn more about tiny homes and their history and would also like to hear from someone with first hand experience, you’re bound to enjoy this recording.
Passcode: d5T*g&33

In case you missed it, below is a link to the recording of a presentation we enjoyed on January 9 from speakers at 3 cohousing communities in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

One of our members recently provided an excellent presentation on Pomali Cohousing in Austria. It’s always great to see how other cohousing communities are doing and what we can aspire to as we continue to search for land for our own site. We hope you find the presentation both informative and inspiring.
Best regards,
Judy Shepalo
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